Saturday, August 13, 2022

Below You can find a paper discussing new inscriptions from Thrace were toponyms are mentioned.

 Below You can find a paper discussing new inscriptions from Thrace were toponyms are mentioned.

The most interesting is the Argiske/Ergiske (modern Rogozen) which obviously is the centum version of Arzashku (Arṣašku [1] SN). One would expect that the Thracian version would be also satem but given the presence of centum languages in Balkanes then centum is also possible.
It's remarkable that Arzashku fits exactly the Armenian shift *ǵ>c (ծ) . In cuneiform s dotted is usually used to mark c (ծ).
Toponyms with similar roots (but not necessarily related ) are the river Arges and city Arge-dava in Romania. Notice dava in Thracian means settlement and it is a widespread particle in toponyms. Arthur Asatrian has a post on this subject.
In Armenia we also have the river Arcania ( Aracani ) mentioned in Assyrian texts.
Another interesting toponym is Kabyle/Cabyle ( occasionally confused as Kalybe ) . This toponym can be compared with land/tribe Qabilu in ancient Armenia (Diaukhi) . Qabilu is linked to Armenian period Gabelean.
This are just two examples. But there are other similar parallels that could be related. Treri~Trel/Drilae. See the link below.
PS FYI this post is about IE terms and is NOT about any migration theory.

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