Monday, November 28, 2022

Ancient Gordion samples are from two periods

 Ancient Gordion samples are from two periods. The first two samples are circa 650bc which would be immediately after the fall of Phrygian kingdom. The rest are from Hellenistic period ~180bc.

Unfortunately we don't have Bronze Age samples from Gordion so I use Kaman Kakehoyuk as reference which can affect the result.
Anyway Gordion samples are mostly made with Anatolia Bronze Age. On top of that they have ancestry from Europe which we can attribute mainly to Phrygians. But also to Greeks, Thracians and Galatians. Interestingly the Bryges the Proto Phrygians were probably close to Myceneans.Which make sense from linguistic point of view.
Gordion samples also have extra ancestry from Van Urartu and Samsun_Anc_B. Samsun_B is a very CHG shifted sample which I use as a proxy for potential Kashkian migrations that occur in LBA/EIA. Notice with a genuine LBA/EIA sample from North East of Turkey this results can change. As for Van_Urartu it's a proxy reference for Armenians.
Those extra eastern ancestries can be attributed to Kashkians whose descendants can be Tibarens and Mossinoici. To Mushki who founded Mazhaka (Cesaria) and Armenians who created Lesser Armenia in Anatolia around 330bc. The impact from East is significant in some samples which could mean that archaeologic findings of grooved ware in Gordion were not random events but a result of migrations. This also make plausible the theory that Phrygian were labeled Mushki in cuneiform texts because of substantial Mushki presence in their kingdom.
The last two IA samples from Anatolia are from an older paper. One of them is obviously a Cimmerian, though some suggested that it could be an Ottoman era sample. While the other was found in Galatian context. Unfortunately non of them is radiocarbon dated.

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