Friday, April 12, 2024

Samples of Anatolian/Aegean origin from the Roman empire city Vimminacium in what is now the eastern part of Serbia

Samples of Anatolian/Aegean origin from the Roman empire city Vimminacium (Olalde 2023) in what is now the eastern part of Serbia. A large military camp was present in the city.

  • E-L791 is remarkable because it's very close to Napoleon's Y DNA. Another L791 from Roman era Croatia.
    Distance to: Croatia_Zadar_Roman_oLevant.SG:R3742.SG
    0.03003301 Greek_Cappadocia
    0.03236809 Greek_Central_Anatolia
    0.03434637 Greek_Crete_Heraklion
    0.03806465 Armenian_Gesaria
    0.03847296 Greek_Crete
  • I2-Y16419 is ultimately from Trialeti-Vanadzor culture. Based on genetics he was probably from Kesaria/Kayseri.
  • The presence of J2-L70 and J1-BY94 is without surprise. These two haplotypes expanded in Iron Age Anatolia most probably.
  • And the T1a2 could be local but in most likelihood, he was also from Anatolia.
Also, a lot of local Balkanian specific haplotypes like E-V13 with some Germanic ones.
Another evidence that Roman Empire had a significant impact on the genetics of South Europe. Read in more detail in the link below.

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