Thursday, September 1, 2022

Quick overview of post TVC period.

 Quick overview of post TVC period.

The only TVC sample we have has high Steppe. Higher than the later Lchashen.
So I use it as a source.
Later in LBA/EIA period we see the resurgence of local Kur-Araxian ancestry. Which existed in preceding EBA period.
Most Lchashen Metsamor sites (LBA/EIA/Urartian) have similar composition. The bulk of their ancestry is from TVC. Then they have some extra Kur-Araxian ancestry from preceding period.
But there are some interesting outliers. Notice those cases are mostly singletons or few samples unlike the mainstream Lchashen Metsamor sites with numerous samples predominantly R1b-Z2103 and I2a2b. There must be more than 150 samples on all those sites.
The Bragdzor_EIA has unusually high KA. Consistent with autosomes J2-M92 is found there in a relatively rich burial. His brother is also J. The person also has a son.
Dzori Geghi person is little bit different with a shift to southern parts Sirnak/Batman regions. Consistent with this autosomes he has J1-P58.
Karmir Blur outlier is a person with high Dinkha tepe ancestry which was high in Vannic Urartians. So he might have partial ancestry from Van region. His Y dna is R1b-M269.
And another outlier from Keti in Urartian period. He has a G2a1 which links him to Georgia. He has also the lowest TVC/Steppe. It's virtually absent. Unfortunately due to absence of samples from BA Georgia his modeling do not represent his real background.
Pops marked as Anc are in post Urartian period.
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